Neeraj Chopra, who won gold in track and field’s javelin throw for the first time in India’s 124-year Olympic history at the Tokyo Olympics, took his parents on a flight for the first time. He traveled from Delhi to Bangalore with his parents and other family members. Actually Neeraj is to be respected in Bangalore. For which he had to reach there by flight. Neeraj Chopra has also taken mother Saroj Devi and father Satish Chopra along to fulfill his dream.
Neeraj looked very happy with parents,
Neeraj has shared a photo on social media, in which he is sitting inside the flight with his parents and looks very happy. He also wrote an emotional message with the pictures that today a dream of life came true when he found his parents sitting on the flight for the first time. I will always be grateful for everyone’s prayers and blessings.
Neeraj is away from practice after winning the medal in Tokyo After winning the medal in the
Tokyo Olympics, Neeraj said that he would spend a few days with his family. After that, he will start preparing for the Commonwealth Games, Asian Games and World Championships. Commonwealth, Asian Games and World Championships are to be held next year.
The statement was issued on social media in favor of
Pakistani Thrower Ashrad Neeraj gave a statement by releasing a video in favor of Pakistani Javelin Thrower Ashrad Nadeem. In fact, in an interview, Neeraj had said that his javelin was not found in Tokyo, so he saw that Ashrad Nadeem was practicing with his javelin. He took back his javelin from Ashrad and threw it. After this Ashrad Nadeem was criticized on social media. After that Neeraj had released a video on social media and made a statement that Nadeem had not committed any mistake and he had not violated any rules. There were javelins for all the athletes and anyone could throw someone’s javelin.