Devbhoomi Himachal’s boxer Ashish Kumar Chaudhary had his first match in the Tokyo Olympics on Monday. Ashish played his first match with Chinese boxer Erbeek Tuoheta. According to Indian time, their match started at 3:06 pm. Ashish showed full strength but he had to face defeat in the very first match. Ashish dominated Tuoheta in the second round after falling behind in the first round.
In the third round, Tuoheta defeated Ashish Chowdhary to win the match 2–0. The second match has been intermediate. Chinese boxer Erbieke Tuoheta won 2-0. Ashish Chowdhary’s mother Durga Devi says that even though Ashish has lost in the Olympics, it is a big deal to represent the country. He is not disappointed with this, but he hopes that in the coming times, Ashish will bring laurels to the country by performing even better.
The family members watched their match live on TV from home. People from all over the state watched this match. Significantly, Ashish Kumar Chaudhary is the first boxer from Himachal, who played in the Olympics. Boxer Ashish Chowdhary participated in the 75 kg weight category.